Walking 18 Mile Pilgrimage for Vocations in the Church

Franciscan Sister Leonette Kochan shares on her memorable pilgrimage experience of walking 18 miles for the intention of vocations in the Diocese of Tucson.

In support of Vocations Awareness and in solidarity with Pope Francis’ Share the Journey Campaign for Immigrants and Refugees, the Diocese of Tucson Vocations Office, under the direction of Father Jorge Farias-Saucedo, sponsored a walking pilgrimage from several parish locations to San Xavier Mission. Pilgrims, numbering over 160, began at one of several locations. The furthest starting points were St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in northern Tucson and Our Mother of Sorrows Parish on the far east side of Tucson.

From those points, walkers tread miles and miles toward San Xavier Mission. Other groups joined the two routes from different points. From the north, walkers joined the group from St. Margaret Mary and Our Lady of Fatima parishes, and from the east others joined the group from St. Monica and Our Lady Queen of All Saints parishes. The pilgrimage concluded with Mass at the Mission.

Sister Leonette Kochan walked the 18 miles with the pilgrims from Our Mother of Sorrows Parish to the Mission. Sister Carla Riach and Sister Rosalyn Muraski joined the pilgrims celebrating Mass at San Xavier Mission.

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