As I view pictures on Facebook of those in Wisconsin and Michigan I smile as I see them already wearing sweatshirts. Here in Casa Grande we still have summer. Today it is 105 degrees. We are in our 4th week of school. One drinks 1-2 bottles of water when out on recess duty these weeks.
Another characteristic of Arizona this time of year – are Monsoons! Monsoons bring dust storms, strong winds, and lots of rain in a short period of time to the point streets are flooded and our retention basins are filled to the brim! A beautiful sight to see.
Storms cloud brewing that will soon bring

One Sunday, the Gospel fit the monsoon season perfectly. It was the Gospel where Jesus was walking on water towards the Apostles who had been fishing all night. The waters got stormy and the Apostles were scared. Jesus began walking towards them when Peter, the impetuous, brave one got into the water too and began to walk on the water towards Jesus. Suddenly, he began to sink. He lost his focus on Jesus – FOJ (Focus On Jesus). This really hit me in the homily and it is my little mantra for the year – FOJ – Focus on Jesus. When difficult moments come I say to myself FOJ, FOJ – Focus on Jesus before I speak and act. I think this is something we can all use in our life and it is so easy to remember – FOJ!